Monday, July 21, 2014

Do you want to be a millionaire?

Do you want to a millionaire? It is not as complicated as everyone makes it seem. All it requires is a little discipline and time, and you would be able to purchase that house, that sport car, go on that vacation, or do the things you would love to do with your family and friends. With a desire and a plan, think about the freedom you would enjoy. First I want to start by asking you to envision yourself as a millionaire, have you ever heard the quote “if you can believe it, then you would see it”. Secondly, I want you to try to live within your means, and try not to spend money on unnecessary things (that might mean cutting back on some Starbucks, trust me short term pain for long-term gain). Can you save $50 dollars a week? If yes, pad yourself on the back because you are one step closer to becoming a millionaire. Albert Einstein once said that the eighth wonder of the world is compound interest; let me show you what he means. A 20 year old who saves $50 a week, invests it in the stock market which has earned an annual return of 9.8% a year will be worth $1,779,006.52 at the age of 65. Please click on the link to see the magic for your self don’t take my word for it. ( Guys I have shown you the clear path to becoming a millionaire and living the life that you have envisioned with only $50. If you think you can save more, you will be able to get to your destination faster. Now for some action steps, Open a savings account and commit to saving 50$ a week. If you have to, set up an automatic transfer of 50$ from your checking to your savings account every week. Open an investment account at an investment firm, there is no cost associated with opening an account. Select an appropriate investment vehicle that will help you accomplish your goal(sorry I am not allowed to give any specific advice because I am not yet licensed but feel free to check out this link that contains information about a fund most self directed investors use , and then set up an automatic investment from your saving account to your investment account. Congratulations my future millionaire, now sit back and watch the power of compound interest. By becoming a millionaire you will not only fulfill your dream but help me in my vision of “helping billions of people all around the world, to be financially literate in the management and accumulation of wealth”. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How To Win Friends and Influence People

I am extremely excited about the lesson I am going to be sharing with you today. Early during the year, I stumbled across an amazing book called "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie. This book has not only helped me better my relationships with my family and friends, it has broadened my understanding of the nature in which people operate. Winning friends and influencing people is going to be one of the key components that you will need in other to have a successful and affluent life. Even though these lessons may seem easy and practical, please do not fall in the trap of neglecting their importance. You don't have to get it all at once, please be patient with yourself. Make the commitment to put each idea to the test one day at a time; I promise you  that the results and feedback you will get will be phenomenal.

                                          How To Win Friends and Influence People
Due to the lengthy nature of this subject, I have only chosen three topics to elaborate on. If you like the lesson's I share with you today, I will encourage you to go to your local book store or click on the link below ( to get yourself a copy. I have also uploaded an audio book at the bottom of the page.

Never Criticize any one
Out of the whole lesson today, if you were to only read this part and stop, I promise you that it will have been worth your time and energy. Because most people never bother to understand the effects of criticism, they end up hurting others, and  sometimes destroying good relationships. To grasp this lesson, you must first come to understand that humans are emotional beings. We act and respond our to environment by the way we feel. It is only natural that when we feel as though someone is criticizing or attacking us, we become resentful to try and defend ourselves. You will never be able to correct or win someone over if your first instinct is to always find something wrong in what they say or do. I urge to make a change in your life today. Try to find the good in others instead of criticizing them and they would love you for it. Practice this principle with yourself; whenever you feel like criticizing your actions, remember that criticism will only do you more harm than good.

"I have yet to find the man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism" 
Charles M. Schwab

Become Genuinely interested in people 
One of the key to winning friends and influencing people is to become genuinely interested in people.  When you become interested in others, they also become interested in you. This lesson is so simple, but yet it is one of the most neglected lessons of all. One of the most practical way of showing someone that you are interest in what he or she has to say, is by becoming a good listener. One of the greatest human needs, is the need to feel important; the need to feel like someone cares. If you want people to automatically gravitate to you, show them that you genuinely care about them.

Learn how to arise enthusiasm in others
I have personally come to appreciate the power of arising enthusiasms in people. I have built and strengthened so many relationships in my life, by using this concept. The most practical way to arise enthusiasm is someone, is by speaking in terms of what interest them. During a conversation, practice taking yourself out of the equation. Speak in terms of the other person's passions, goals, and aspirations. The enthusiasm that you would build in them will be astonishing, and they would  love and appreciate you for it. The key to learning how to win friends and influence people is understanding that the greatest human desire, is the desire to feel Important. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

How To Become A No-Limit Person

                             "If you will advance confidently in the direction of your dreams, 
                                      and endeavor to live the life that you have imagined, 
                                  you will meet with success unexpected in common hours" 
                                                            Henry David Thoreau

I am extremely excited about today's post, I can tell you from a personal standpoint that the ideas I am going to share with you have had a huge impact on my life. I hope they will have the same impact on your life as well. I am dedicating this lesson today to one of my great teacher's and one of my mentors Dr Wayne Dyer. His books and seminars have greatly influenced the way I think, and the manner in which I approach my life. I am going to summarize his ideas to the best of my ability, but If you have time, please watch the video at the bottom of the page. I firmly believe that it will greatly influence your life.

                                       The  Four Keys To Becoming A No Limit Person

A no-limit person sees the world as perfect and abundant
It may be hard to believe, but I can assure you that everything in the world is perfect. Don't take my word for it, take a look for yourself. Everything that we need to survive i.e air, water, food, are all free and abundant. We use our mind, which was given to us freely, to create what we need to survive. The sad thing is that people place little value on things that they do not buy. To become a no-limit person, I encourage you to start seeing and appreciating the world for its perfections and abundance. If you are able to do that, you will see a totally different world from others. You would see that all the good things that you have always desired will start flowing into your life freely and  abundantly.

A no-limit person learns accepts themselves and others for who they are
Research has shown that they are two ways in which people motivate themselves. They either use deficiency motivation which is operating in a state of lack, or a seeing something negative about themselves that they have to fix or get rid of. When you always see yourself as being deficient, you always strive to fix something about yourself or your circumstances. With such a mindset, your life becomes fill with lack and emptiness because even when you do arrive, circumstances or people will not be as as good or as perfect as you want them to be. You see folks you are never going to get enough, you already are everything you need and more. I encourage you to accept yourself and others for who they are, and learn to live your life in a state of contentment. Nothing new can come into your life unless you learn to appreciate what you already have.

A no-limit person understands the lessons of life and celebrates them
To become a no-limit person, you have to look at every good or bad situation as an opportunity to grow and to better yourself. Life is a teacher, it is constantly looking for ways to teach us how to live the good and honest life. When something bad happens to you, don't dwell on the negative. Instead look for the lesson that life is trying to teach or show you. The best way to seek the lessons in life is by asking yourself this simple questions, What did I do right? and if put in the same situation, What will I do differently? Never ask yourself what you did wrong, because you will start filling yourself with negativity and might miss the lesson. It is also very important that you try to learn from other peoples mistakes. To be a no-limit person, you must become observant and open to life. I urge you to become a diligent student of life, always look for every opportunity to grow. If you do that, like Thoreau said, you will be met with success unexpected in common hours.

A no-limit person is always willing to forgive
Forgiveness is the great secret of life. You must be willing not only to forgive others, but you must also be willing to forgive yourself. Never hold grudges or let hatred dwell in your heart. Today, one of the main causes of death comes from heart attacks and depression. I am not a doctor, or claim to be an expert in health, but from what I have experienced and read, anger and hatred was on of or if not the greatest influence behind these diseases. To move forward in your life, you must be able to forgive anyone or anything that caused you pain in the past. Never let any body or anything affect the way you feel. Remember, if you let anyone hurt you by what they say or do, you are simply telling them that their opinion of you is worth more that what you think of yourself. You should  never give any one that great of a power over you. Practice sending love instead of hate. When ever someone tries to hurt you, send them love. I can assure you that by doing so, you will not only have the peace of mind that is essential to be successful, you will also receive love in abundance. Remember, whatever you reap into the universe, you will sow in abundance.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The 10 Great Powers of Success

I have asked countless numbers of people to define success in their own term, and I have been given a variety of responses. For the most part, we are brought up to equate success as having a sizable amount of money in the bank, driving a luxury car, living in an expensive home, and so on. I have nothing against viewing success in the realm of money and materialism, but I would like to invite you today to view success in a manner that would help you understand what it means to be successful , and then work towards achieving it. "I believe success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal" Earl Nightingale. Any one who is working to better the circumstances of his or her life is successful. I am always amazed by how people view success as this esoteric feature that is only reserved for the few among us. Please listen to me Ladies and Gentlemen, we have all been blessed with the power to choose our own future and make of our lives whatever we want to make of it. You can be successful, no matter the circumstances you were brought up in, or the circumstance you are in now. I plead with you to stop making excuses, and start working on making the future better for yourself and your family.

                                                   The 10 Great Powers of Success
I am going to briefly touch on each of the topics, please take the time to watch the short video at the bottom of the page by the late great Jim Rohn, he will go more in dept with each topic, and show you how to start implementing these principles into your life.

To be successful, you must have a purpose for living. why do I wake up in the morning? Is there a purpose to what I am doing in my life? these are the simple questions you should ask yourself. You see without purpose, one has nothing to live for or look forward to. I urge you to seek to find your purpose if you haven't found it yet; if you already have, I encourage you to ceaselessly strive to fulfill it.

Self Confidence
Self confidence comes from the inside and not the outside. It comes from feeling good about yourself. It comes from feeling that you are worth something. Most importantly, self confidence comes from doing whatever it takes to achieve your goal in life. Developing the feeling of self confidence in yourself is the corner stone to success.

I have never met a successful person who is not enthusiastic about life. Like self confidence, enthusiasm comes from the inside. Build a feeling of enthusiasm in everything you do, and I guarantee you will be successful at it. Make a note and never forget this quote by the great Ralph Waldo Emerson "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm".

Expertise comes from wanting to excel in whatever you do. It comes from developing the skills necessary to achieve greatness. Everyone who has ever achieved greatness and recognition was or is an expert in what they do. Strive to become an expert in what you do, and I assure you success will always be your companion.

One of the great keys to success is preparation. Think about it, we spend a  huge portion of our lives preparing. We are either preparing for the next face of our education, career, relationship e.t.c. Why can't we use the same attitude of preparation towards success. Yes Folks you must prepare yourself for success. I urge you to constantly be in a state of preparation, and you would never miss the chance of success when opportunity comes knocking at your door.

Self Reliance
I see too many people relying on others or on the government to make them successful. You simply cannot rely on anyone to make you successful, you must look to yourself and take charge of your life. Part of being self reliant comes from owning up to your mistakes and not making any excuses for your life. "Don't complain Don't explain, simply make it happen".

Self Image
I once heard this great quote by Bob Proctor that put the topic of self Image into perspective for me, it simple goes "The me I see, is the me I'll be". If you see yourself as a successful person, your going to be successful. As you can see, Self is a huge aspect of success. Work on yourself, strive to become successful, and most importantly see yourself as being successful, and I can assure you that there will be no limit to what you can accomplish.

Becoming a person of high Values and integrity is one of the greatest attribute you can develop to become successful. I believe Character is one of the greatest keys to success, because your character truly defines who you are as a person. 

Self Discipline
Success starts with self discipline. Folks you can wish all you want, listen to all the motivation on earth, have faith all you want, but I promise you that if you are not disciplined, there is no way you are going to become successful. As a matter of fact, Self Discipline is one of or if not the greatest key to success.

Extraordinary Performance
To become successful, you must commit yourself to going the extra mile. Do more than you have to in anything you do. Be the first one to arrive, and the last one to leave. Dream more than you have to, strive more than you have, labor more than you have to, and I can assure you that you would find yourself amongst the few who are at the top of the apple tree.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Strangest Secret in the World

After several years of extensive research, and practically reading every book I could find about the subject of Success, and interviewing several affluent men and women who most people will consider at the top-tier of their field; I believe with great conviction that the idea I am going to share with you today and the several others I will be sharing throughout the time we spend together will be life changing. By using these ideas, I have been able to improve the quality of my life and I have also helped several of my family members, friends, peers, and strangers improve theirs. I am not claiming to be an expert on the subject of success, I always brag to every one who comes to me for advice that all the ideas I share are borrowed. Millions of books have been written on the subject of success and personal development, I will share with you a list of some amazing books that have helped me transform my life in subsequent post. Before I begin, I would like for you to open your mind to entertaining the idea I am going to share with you today, I am not asking you to accept or reject this message, but please ask yourself this simple question, Is this idea going to improve the Quality of my life? If it is , I encourage you to start implementing it into your life immediately. Now more than ever, the world needs great Leaders like you to step up and help lead us out of these times of turmoil and uncertainty about our future.

The strangest secret in the world is that "We become what we think about most of the time". For centuries, all the great leader, philosopher, thinkers, have disagreed on several topics except this one. I am not an expert on religion and it is not my intention to object anyone's religious beliefs because I know religion can be a very sensitive topic, but most of the religions that I researched from Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism and several others included, make a reference to this great analogy. We become what we think about, not once, not twice, but Most of the time. I am adamant enough to say that this statement is as true as the Law of Gravity or The law of attraction. I believe, as co-creators, we have been given the power to take possession of our minds, and create our lives by thinking either positively or negatively. Think of your mind as a fertile soil, and you are the farmer. You have the choice to plant whatever you want on this fertile soil, but be very careful because whatever you sow, you will reap in abundance. I urge you from now on to start sowing positive thoughts into your fertile soil, you will be amazed at the improvement and life changing phenomenon that will take place in your life. Once you start to see and experience the wonders that will take place in you life from putting this simple test into action, I urge you to pass this message to others so they may improve the quality of their lives. 

Earl Nightingale, who is the founder of the Nightingale Conant Corporation which is one of the largest publisher's of self improvement books, seminars, TV programs and Audio programs, put together one of the best videos on "The strangest secret". I can assure you that if you are serious about improving your life, this thirty minute video will do wonders for you, if you commit to watching it and  implementing the ideas that he would recommend into your life. Thank you for paying me the compliment of letting me share some of my ideas with you, I am truly grateful. Please feel free to comment; if you have any questions in particular, you can contact me and I will be more than happy to help you. My contact information can be found on my page. Please stay tuned because in tomorrow's message, I will be revealing the keys to success and how you can start implementing them in other to have a life full of abundance and affluence.